Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Tourette Syndrome Essay Example for Free
Tourette Syndrome Essay Oliver Sacks writes in his book about Tourette syndrome as an inherited neurological disorder, it is a rare disease of the nerves, that starts from childhood it is noticeable by the repeated physical motor tics and vocal tics, these tics can become chronic, Tourette syndrome is a very serious disorder. Oliver Sacks in his book ‘The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat’describes Tourette syndrome as a genetic condition that is inherited from parents, in the title story he writes about his patient with a perception disorder so strong that he really mistook his wife’s head for a hat, Dr. Sacks can best explain the disorders of the right hemisphere of the brain, cases in which tumors accidents, and unsoundness of mind lead to syndromes these disorders affect the memory and perception of the victim affecting his personality and behavior, in this case Dr.P, was a music teacher whose perception of vision was lost, but his other sense was becoming strong as he could play music and was the music teacher till the end.(7-21), Dr. Sacks later disclosed that his patient had a large tumor in the visual part of his brain. The cause of Tourette syndrome is not known, according to research it occurs when there is a problem of communication between the brain and the nerves. A disturbance in the balance of neurotransmitters, it is the chemical in the brain that carries nerve signals from cell to cell and that may be the cause of Tourette syndrome. Symptoms of Tourette are noticed by the sudden voluntary or involuntary movements, called motor tics and that can be simple or complex, with this there is one vocal tic also, these tics may last for a few minutes or a little longer, tics involve uncontrolled twitching of the muscles, simple tics are like eye blinking, leg jerking, clapping, coughing, repeated throat clearing; complex tics are sniffing sneezing making throaty sounds and jumping, throwing thing, tics may appear suddenly, and are recurring, and occur differently in each patient. Tics are sudden out bursts of abnormal behavior, vocal tics are Coprolalia (the utterance of abusive, and objectionable words), Echolalia (repeating words of others), and palilalia (repetition of one’s own words), the most common vocal and motor tics are eye blinking and throat clearing. Tourette is diagnosed when the person has multiple motor tics. Dr.Sacks cites that creativity, imagination, and inventiveness good memory  are some examples of writers, artists, athletes, having Tourette may be able to manage their tics and control at the time of their work.(Meyers,1998), Sacks gives one such example of a disc jockey who while off air, uttered obscene words but, when he was on air he would be normal, Sacks points out that the disc jockey is able to use his vocal tic to his advantage with creative skill as a positive part of his job performance, his Tourette works as an advantage for him.  Tourette occurs  with other problems such as, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, depression, obsession which causes misbehavior, but the main cause is unknown, the tics start from childhood and may be worst in early teens, many people eventually outgrow them, usually treatment is not needed unless the tics interfere with everyday life, medicine, talk therapy and focused activities may help, some people have severe long lasting tics that can persist for more than a year and this chronic tic disorder is a part of a condition called Tourette Syndrome. Social acceptance is necessary and vital part of rehabilitation of such patients, family and people and employers must have some knowledge of the disorders so as to accommodate them; concerning knowledge is available through books, Judy Cohen (1998). in her booklet writes a general over view of many disabilities without focusing any one person. Doctor Oliver Sacks is a famous neurologist working primarily in treatment of patients with neurological disorders; Tourette syndrome is a neurological condition, it is usually misunderstood, and misdiagnosed, and mistreated. Tourette is sometimes diagnosed as acute anxiety, schizophrenia and asthma , the evaluator suspects that the person has Tourette than he must ask for previous patient history and reports and the evaluator must discuss it with the medical consultant, people who are diagnosed with Tourette frequently have motor disorder along with visual defects,(Bronheim,1991), difficulties with impulse control, various learning disabilities and sleep disorders, the range of tics like symptoms that occur in Tourette’s Syndrome are often confusing to the family members, friends, teachers and employers who may find it hard to believe that the actions and vocal utterances are not deliberate, tics may be worse at certain times of the day or while doing certain work, and th e person might be exerting great restraint and energy to suppress the tics and to control the effects of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior. Tourette Syndrome is a very complex condition, there is no cure for it at this time, though there is increased awareness of this disorder and rehabilitation process is considered to provide help to such patients, it is necessary to help such patients to normalcy, to help them to cope with daily life and work as stress and physical exhaustion increases the occurrence of tics therefore the rehabilitation personnel teach effective stress management techniques to control their impulsive acts. Medications are used to decrease the intensity and frequency of tics, drugs used for the treatment of other conditions sometimes have side effects and may cause lethargy and weight gain, sometimes medicines can aggravate the Tourette’s syndrome and cause increased tics. Generally tics are classified as either simple or complex, which involves more muscles than the simple tics, the symptoms usually start from childhood. Since the beginning of science the brain has been a complex wonder to understand, new findings, and new discoveries, are always changing to help us know and learn more about the working of the brain. Oliver Sacks, in his book ‘The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat,’ we read about the sufferings of those with neurological diseases, it is the case study of all his patients who are mentioned in the book are affected by Tourette’s syndrome. Sacks is interested in  his patients and their disorders, he has written these case studies to teach normal people, to understand and accommodate  and help such patients, he describes the neurological diseases of the people, their struggle and suffering to survive with the neurological defects.  These patients never lost their spiritual ability though they are the victims of disorder, the ability to rejoice is never lost , Dr. Sacks has written about many patients in this book, like ‘The Lost Mariner†(22-41) Jimmie could not remember anything for more than two minutes, he could only remember things thirty years old, he was suffering from amnesia; after frequent visits with Dr. Sacks he became calm and found some reality, in what Dr.Sacks referred to as â€Å"absoluteness of spiritual attention and act†(page38), though Jimmie was the victim of  nerve disorders yet his inner self the person beneath this disorder was very much real, all the stories writte n by Dr. Sacks are informative and interesting. Tourettes syndrome cannot be underlined as a degrading disease, today there are many people living and diseased who are associated with Tourette syndrome, it is believed that the syndrome may have helped in their success. Usually when one sense is not working properly, other senses become strong and the patient can use his strong sense to his advantage.                  . The treatment basically involves management of the troubling symptoms the patient is enduring, some cases are mild in nature and do not need pharmacological treatment, but they do need psychological treatment, awareness and talk therapy are helpful in such cases. As there is no cure for Tourette’s syndrome, there is no universal medicine for it, help is needed to avoid social isolation, the patient must have full support and understanding from family, friends, school, Church and the surrounding community and neighbors. The most important part of living with this disorder is social acceptance. Circumstantial evidence show that Mozart and Samuel Johnson had the Syndrome, both were, creators in their own fields despite having Tourette’s    syndrome, the personality and creativity how deeply are related to the Tourette Syndrome is yet to be assessed. Though there is no medicine as a cure for Tourette, yet some medication can be given to decrease the frequency of the tics, these medications make the patient sleepy lethargic and ,they gain weight, sometimes medications can have negative affect and it is difficult to get a proper level of medicine that can control the symptoms. The Internet, movies and television are responsible for the distorted images about the people with the Tourette syndrome. The entertainment industry always presents people with Tourettes as misfits, very few have understanding for such people, the Quincy, M.E. ‘Seldom Silent, Never Heard’ was the correct representation of Tourette’s syndrome many people with tics recognized their symptoms and got a correct diagnosis other shows that helped to advance true information about Tourette’s are L. A. Law, The Practice and 7th Heaven. Several documentaries have been made to depict accurate symptoms and the need for understanding and support for such people, though some shows have been labeled as exploiting the syndrome, some talk shows as the ‘Oprah Winfrey show’ focused on accurate portrayal of people with Tourette syndrome. The Tics disorders can only be managed by knowledge, education, and understanding and recognizing Tourette syndrome in the people suffering with, control management is the solution to the Tics problem, educating the family is the main strategy for treatment and sometimes only that is enough..                  . Reference  Bagheri, M.M., Kerbeshian, J., Burd, L.(1999a). Recognition and management of Tourette’s syndrome and tic disorders. American family physician, 15 (8), 2263-72. Bronheim, S. (1991). An Educator’s guide to Tourette Syndrome. Journal of Learning Disablities, 24(1), 17-22 Cohen, Judy (1998), Disability etiquette: Tips on interacting with people with disabilities. Published by Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association. Marneros, A. (1983).Adult onset of Tourette syndrome: A case report. American Journal of psychiatry, 140 (7), 924-925. Meyers, A.(1998) Serving clients with Tourette syndrome: A manual for service provided for tourette syndrome Association, Inc. Bayside, NY. Murrey, J.B.(1997).Psychophysiological aspects of Tourette’s syndrome. The Journal of psychology, 131 (6), 615-626. Robertson, M. (2000). Tourette syndrome, associated conditions and the complexities of treatment.Brain,123 (3), 425-462. Sacks, O. (1992 Tourette’s syndrome and creativity: Exploiting the ticcy witticisms and witty ticcicisms. British Medical Journal, 305 (6868 ), 1515-1516. Sacks Oliver, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, published by Touchstone 1998, pg.7-21 Stell, R., Thickbroom,  G.W., Masstaglia, F. L., (1995). The audiogenic startle response to Tourette’s Syndrome. Movement Disorders, 10, 723-730 Wand, R.R., Matazow, G.a., Shady, P., Furer, Staley, D. (1993). Tourette syndrome: Associated symptoms and most disabling features. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews,17, 271-275. Zinner, S.H. (2000).  Tourette  Disorder. Pediatrics in Review, 21(11), 372-383.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Ted Bundy and Psychodynamic Theory Essay -- Psychology
Theodore Bundy was born on November 24th 1946. He was born to an unwed mother who was told that she was his sister. He was raised by his grandparents who portrayed themselves as his parents throughout his early childhood years. According to the article I read Ted’s grandfather was abusive towards Ted and his other siblings (Montaldo). Ted was shy and said to be sociably awkward, but during high school he developed into good looking guy and was liked by many. Ted met his first girlfriend in college and eventually falls in love. His girlfriend did not see Ted as someone who would be successful and eventually broke up with him and this broke his heart. This was about the time he learned the truth about his family too. He developed deep depression and this marked the time his killing ventures started. Ted’s breakup with his girlfriend was a huge deal to him. It seemed that his problems really came to surface after this point. He became quite dysfunctional at the time. The breakup could be marked under Axis III (Comer, 2011). This is a general medical condition that Ted suffers from as an adult. Ted Bundy’s style of killing describes sexual sadism. Sexual sadism is the intense sexually arousal by the thought or act of inflicting suffering on others by dominating, restraining, blindfolding, cutting, strangling, mutilating, or even killing the victim (Comer, 2011). This condition would fall under Axis I because it causes significant impairment. Ted Bundy had antisocial personality disorder which is on axis II of the DSM-IV-TR. He is characterized by the following: failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest, deceitfulness, ... ...articipate in therapy. They do not see that they need to change anything. While doing my research on Ted I do believe he was ready for change. I think that therapy sessions to uncover inner turmoil along with medication may have helped Ted. It would have been interesting to see if these treatments would have worked. Works Cited Comer, R. J. (2011). Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, 6th edition. New York: Worth Publishers. Midwest Behavioral Health Network. (2009, September). Guidelines to use of Axis V: Global Assessment Functioning Scale. South Bend, IN, United States of America. Montaldo, C. (n.d.). About.com. Retrieved August 12, 2011, from http://crime.about.com/od/serial/p/tedbundy.htm Varcarolis, E. M., Carson, V. B., & Shoemaker, N. C. (2006). In Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (p. 283). St. Louis: Elsevier Inc.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Gardenia Bakeries Case Study Essay
This is a strategic marketing plan for Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd to sell their product â€Å"Auntie Rosie’s Natural Pandan Kaya†to the country â€Å"Australia†in the state of â€Å"Sydney†. 2.0 Overview of Gardenia Bakeries Sdn Bhd 2.1 General Information of Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd In 1969, an American named Horatio Sye Slocumm was sent by International Executive Service Corporation (IESC) to East Malaysia to start a bakery. Gardenia was then born. Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd rolled the first loaf of bread off its line in 1986. Within four short years, it became the bread market leader with an astounding 99 percent brand recall rate and 80 percent top-of-mind recall. Gardenia’s range of products grew and evolved through the years, becoming better and better with each step. Leveraging on its brand strength, Gardenia now produces a variety of baked products to satisfy consumers’ demands. 2.2 Products of Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd There are 11 types of product that Gardenia Bakeries produce, 10 types of it are all breads and the specific one is the coconut jam called â€Å"Auntie Rosie’s Natural Pandan Kaya†. We are only focusing on the product â€Å"Auntie Rosie’s Natural Pandan Kaya†which is very popular in Malaysia. â€Å"Auntie Rosie’s Natural Pandan Kaya†is a coconut jam made from coconut milk, egg, caramel, pandan leaf extract, food conditioner, salt and sweetened with sugar. 2.3 Pricing The pricing strategy for Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd that is used upon â€Å"Auntie Rosie’s Natural Pandan Kaya†is the Market oriented pricing strategy. Market oriented pricing strategy is setting a price based upon analysis and research compiled from the target market. This means that marketers will set prices depending on the results from the research. The price that Gardenia set for â€Å"Auntie Rosie’s Natural Pandan Kaya†is RM2.50, but there is also competitive rival that throw prices such is RM1.80 and RM2.00. Gardenia would stay firm with this price due to its quality and well known brand over all these years. 2.4 Place/Distribution Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd doesn’t have its own outlets but it depend on grocery stall, hypermarket and mini markets to distribute its products. Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd provides their product to places like big hypermarkets and mini markets along the street. As long there is stalls or outlet selling Gardenia bread products, there are sure â€Å"Auntie Rosie’s Natural Pandan Kaya†for sale. 2.5 Promotion Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd does not do any promotions. 3.0 Overview of Sydney, Australia 3.1 General Information about Sydney, Australia Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales and the most populous city in Australia. It is on Australia’s south-east coast, on the Tasman Sea. In June 2010 the greater metropolitan area had an approximate population of 4.6 million people. Inhabitants of Sydney are called Sydneysiders, comprising a cosmopolitan and international population. 3.2 State of the economy The economy of Australia is one of the largest capitalist economies in the world with a GDP of US$1.57 trillion. Australia’s total wealth is 6.4 trillion dollars. In 2011, it was the 13th largest national economy by nominal GDP and the 17th-largest measured by â€Å"PPP adjusted GDP†, about 1.7% of the world economy. Australia is the 19th-largest importer and 19th-largest exporter. Economy of Australia is quarterly forecasted by the Reserve Bank of Australia. Australian National University in Canberra also supplements Probabilistic interest rate setting project for the Australian Economy, which is compiled by Shadow board members from the ANU academic staff. 3.3 Reasons for selection Australia is one of the richest countries to fulfill purchasing needs. I would target Sydney is because it is one of the largest city in Australia. In Sydney, there is a big population of people there and it includes a lot of overseas student from Malaysia too. The main reason I target Sydney Australia is because the coconut jam would be easier to spread and sell for a head start because there is a lot of Malaysian and Singapore students studying there. 4.0 Pestel Analysis Pestle Analysis of Australia Factors Facts Findings Political Australia is a political stable country. Legally is not a problem to sell â€Å"Auntie Rosie’s Natural Pandan Kaya†there. Selling â€Å"Auntie Rosie’s Natural Pandan Kaya†is not a problem. However Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd must expect competition in this industry Economic Australia’s economy is doing very well. GDP growth is 3.4% and the per capital income is one of the highest in the world. The economy is generating opportunity for Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd to sell â€Å"Auntie Rosie’s Natural Pandan Kaya†Social & Culture New Entrants/ Potential Competitors: It is predicted to have more competitions entering into the market 5 Consumer Bargaining Power 6.0 Entry Strategy The proposed entry strategy for Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd to enter Sydney, Australia should be â€Å"Indirect Exporting†because Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd could use a middleman to carry out the responsibility for the selling job to sell it to all the hypermarket and mini market. There are a lot of advantages for doing so. First is the risk would be very low for Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd and it would be safe to let the local middleman get contacts and to apply all the selling. Secondly because that Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd is a small firm which limits their export business and it focus more on its own country Malaysia, it could be an advantage for them to expose themselves to the Australian. 7.0 Marketing Mix Proposal 7.1 Product The product’s name â€Å"Auntie Rosie’s Natural Pandan Kaya†should be changed due to the culture there don’t understand what is â€Å"Pandan†and â€Å"Kaya†and I find â€Å"Auntie Rosie†is nobody therefore it should be change. It should be changed to â€Å"Gardenia’s Coconut Jam†which it will suit the environment of Australia directly. 7.2 Pricing The price strategy would be using the Market Penetration Strategy which is to sell it cheaper in the first three to five months and then raise the price to the normal price. I would suggest that the price that we should allocate in Australia is $2.0 Aussie Dollars for each coconut jam and after that it should be raised back to $2.5 Aussie Dollars. 7.3 Place/Distribution We would be having a distributor as middle men to sell to all the hypermarkets, mini markets and even groceries store. We are targeting Sydney as our targeted location to start with first. 7.4 Promotion I would want to sell it with a promotion just for the first month. By purchasing one â€Å"Gardenia’s Coconut Jam†we would free one more for the consumers. So it is a buy one free one promotion. This promotion will only valid for one month. 8.0 Conclusion We look forward to help you implement the plan.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Culture And Identity Of The Sun By Lorraine Hasberry,...
Deeply driven by our sense of self, humans place a fundamental importance on creating and preserving individual identity. Comprised of many aspects, such as age, cultural beliefs, equality, gender, race, social class, etc., identity can be defined as â€Å"the qualities or beliefs that make one person or group different from others (www.websters.com).†In exploring Culture and Identity in the literary works, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hasberry, Everyday Use by Alice Walker and Etheridge Knight’s A Poem for Myself, several outside forces can be found shaping the identity of the respective characters. The most recurrent theme found among the aforementioned works was the impact racial divide made on their identity and how they have either evolved or failed to evolve as a result. Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin In The Sun, explores the impact ones’ race has on the plausibility of realizing their dreams. Hansberry gives us the Younger family living in an overcrowded, run-down apartment in South Side Chicago; a notoriously poor, black area. The matriarch of the Younger family has purchased a new home in pursuit of her dream for a better life for her family. They were on the verge of moving into an all-white working class neighborhood during a time when racism was still very prevalent and many African-Americans were rejecting the assimilation ideals of Booker T. Washington and exploring their racial identity Throughout A Raisin In the Sun, the attitude of key characters towards
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